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Don’t Let Your Eyes Betray Your Age! Tips for Keeping Them Healthy

Among the many changes our body undergoes as we get older are the changes to our eyesight.

The Main Age-Related Vision Changes

As we age, our vision can become dull or yellowish. As a result, reduced tear production and the need to produce more light for us to see become an inconvenience and could affect other parts such as eye health, which is why maintaining good eye hygiene practices should be done regularly at all times!

As we grow older, many colors around us start to change. Red becomes more of a darkish brown, and green starts looking dull or yellowed out – this is just one example that can occur with aging! Additionally, by reducing our tear production over time, which often happens when you’re not dysphoric about your age, we may have problems seeing clearly because there aren’t enough tears anymore; however, this inconvenience improves as soon as sadness sets in. Beyond presbyopia (a narrowing/increasing difficulty focusing near objects), other signs include needing brighter lights.

As we age, our vision may become blurry and yellowish. We’re also less likely to produce tears which can lead to dry eyes or other eye problems such as presbyopia (the inability to focus on close objects). This is because it takes more power for the body organs responsible for producing these thicker fluid-like gooey substances necessary to focus clearly at distances greater than six feet away from us. So if you’ve had trouble seeing up close all along but now find yourself constantly rubbing your eyes after just reading one sentence, then there’s a chance that might not be a coincidence!

I’m sure some folks don’t mind having decreased acuity while still being able to see adequately far away enough distance.

More Serious Sight-Threatening Eye Conditions

Medicine and advancement have made it easier to cure or slow the progress of these conditions, so your chances for a favorable prognosis are currently best if you take care early on. Make sure that any symptoms like seeing flashes when near light sources get diagnosed as soon as possible because those could indicate something worse happening before we know about them!

More advancements in medicine and technology will make treating or slowing down these conditions easier. Future innovations also have a good chance at improving prognosis prospects for people who get diagnosed early enough – so keep your eyes on Exam appointments regular as you age!

How to Help Your Eyes Stay Healthy

UV blocking sunglasses are an easy, everyday way to protect your eyes from harmful sun rays. They come in varied colors, so you can find one that perfectly matches the color of your clothes or skin tone! The best part about wearing them is knowing they’ll keep all those damaging UVA rays out when studying outside during any season – even winter.

The output should be more engaging.

The summer sun is bright, and it’s easy to forget that we need protection for our eyes. UV rays can damage the lens, even if you wear sunglasses outside! For those who do not wear eye shadow or mascara often enough to cover up any exposed skin around them (especially near your lash line), use an all-natural lipstick like Loving Lip Company’s “Lipstick Queen,” which contains vitamin K as part of its ingredients list – this will help protect against oxidative stress due specifically too long exposure under sunlight without good looking after your eye health is a must, no matter what time of year it may be. 

UV-blocking sunglasses can protect you from the sun’s harmful rays and keep them healthy while also protecting other parts of the body, such as skin cancer cells that develop in bright light settings due to lack or spending excessive amounts of energy trying not to get burnt by these sources as we do during winter months when outside activities become less strenuous than indoor workouts due warmth inside buildings where people spend most days working at desks surrounded primarily you spend a lot of time on screens, follow this easy tip: take breaks and focus attention away from the screen for 20 minutes every day. This will help combat eye strain!

Your Lifelong Vision Health Is Our Goal!

It’s never delayed for an eye exam! It would help if you got your eyes checked every year. If you haven’t been in touch with our office recently, now’s the perfect time to schedule another visit and keep up on all of those essential updates that come along as we age, such as glasses or contacts.

The importance of yearly eye exams cannot be overstated. If you haven’t had one, now is a great time to schedule your next appointment!