Just a Few Things to Help Prepare You for Lasik

You’ve already done the hard part. You’ve made a big decision to invest in the health and safety of your eyes. But we want to make sure you have all the necessary information, tools, and guidelines to help get you ready for the surgery that will change your life for the better. 

We Have a Permanent Solution for You

If you have lived with vision impairments your whole life, you are more than familiar with the everyday frustrations of keeping your lenses clean, annual expenses for new frames, why you can’t buy just any sunglasses at the store, or the annoyance of wearing glasses while exercising. You’re not alone. We hear you, and we have the answer.

If you have only recently started suffering from recurring headaches or notice increasingly blurred vision, consider your options before you write a $500 check for trendy frames and prescription lenses. It is worth your time to explore our services at Wheaton Lasik in order to make an informed decision about the long-term health and care for your eyes.

Lasik is one of the best gifts you could ever give to yourself. It is a permanent solution to perpetual headaches, blurry vision, and steep expenses in contacts, frames, and prescription lenses. Your answer couldn’t be more crystal clear. Lasik.

Doctor Checking Eye Defects

Lasik is a Routine Procedure 

The Lasik procedure contains the formation to totally reform your cornea with a high-tech excimer laser. This laser is used to reshape the cornea by removing tissue from the coronas middle layer.

Before the surgery starts, you will be given a few eye drops that will help to numb your eyes.

The surgery, in general, is fast that usually takes no more than ten minutes. Each eye will give you the right amount of correction, so your results will be a success in the long term. Despite how quickly it will take, your eyelids are gently held open and a precision flap-making instrument is carefully set for your procedure to be a success.

Girl Checking Her Eye

It Starts with an Exam 

When you are referred to an eye surgeon by Wheaton Lasik, it always starts with an exam, about 90 percent or more which are complimentary.

During the exam, you will normally be shown a short video all about the Lasik corrective procedure which is followed up using advanced technology to screen your eyes so that the doctors know exactly what they are dealing with.

Before your exam, if you wear contacts, it’s a good idea to completely stop using them and switch back to glasses for up to 4 weeks. Your doctor can simply not obtain good baseline results for your eyes if you don’t give your eyes sufficient time to recover from wearing contacts.

Meet Your Doctor

Once the eye scan is over and has been reviewed by the doctor, you will be then introduced to the doctor. He will show you, based upon all the medical information, exactly what can and cannot be expected from a Lasik procedure.

Then it’s your turn to fire away with questions, and most people have a ton. Don’t worry about your questions, the doctors have heard them all, and correcting myths about Lasik procedures are vital.

Your doctor wants to be sure you are a candidate for Lasik procedures as well as to dispel common myths about Lasik.

Doctor Inspecting Eye Of A Patient
Doctor Inspecting Eye Of A Patient

The Truth of the Matter

There are many myths about Lasik, one of which is that if you have Lasik you’ll never need glasses again. This is hope, but in the long run Lasik, is not a guarantee.

Another frequent myth is that Lasik will cause blindness.

The American Refractive Surgery Council reports that there has never been a case where someone has gone blind form a Lasik procedure.

After the Initial Consultation 

By far the majority of patients elect to go through with a Lasik Corrective Procedure and schedule an appointment to have the procedure done.

Lasik is an extremely popular surgery, so don’t be surprised if it takes a week or two for the doctor to fit you in.

Forgo the use of all creams, lotions, make-up, and perfumes. A woman may feel like a wreck if she forgoes the use of mascara and make-up, but all these products may spread
debris that can result in infection in your eyes through the procedure.

Also, be sure and arrange for transportation. Your doctor will give you relaxation medicine to relax during the actual Lasik procedure and it will cause your vision to be blurry. Similarly, if there are steep steps to the front of your house, you will need a helper to guide you safely into your house.

Some people elect to go home and think about it for a week or two, which is perfectly alright itself.

Doctor Inspecting Eye Of A Patient
Doctor Inspecting Eye Of A Patient

The Day Before Your Surgery 

Forgo the use of all creams, lotions, make-up, and perfumes. A woman may feel like a wreck if she forgoes the use of mascara and make-up, but all these products may spread debris that can result in infection in your eyes through the procedure.

Also, be sure and arrange for transportation. Your doctor will give you relaxation medicine to relax during the actual Lasik procedure and it will cause your vision to be blurry. Similarly, if there are steep steps to the front of your house, you will need a helper to guide you safely into your house.

The Day of Your Surgery 

One the day of the surgery most doctors will ask you to scrub your eyelashes for a period of time before surgery to get rid of residues and debris along your eyelashes.

After that, a member of his staff will administer numbing drops to your eyes as you lay down.

Following this, a medical instrument called a lid speculum will be used to hold your eyelids open.

After that, things will move quickly. Your eye doctor will create a customized flap in the cornea with an instrument called a microkeratome.

Doctor Holding Glasses And Drops In His Hand
Girl Cleaning Her Eye

Remember This...

• A Lasik procedure is fast with only several minutes to complete in both eyes. It will be over before you are counting a timer in your head.
• Close to one hundred percent of people who wear contact lenses and glasses are eligible for getting the chance to have this type of eye surgery.
• Lasik can help you to fix near sightedness and farsightedness. It helps to correct Astigmatism that is an irregular-shaped cornea.
• Your vision can be 20/20 without the need to wear your old glasses.
• Lasik procedure will never burn your eyes because the laser is cold but remains comfortable to your eyes.
• This procedure will put a smile on your face and with many others.

Who can argue or stay skeptical about getting this type of surgery? You hardly will ever hear about how happy patients can be about Lasik. Over ninety percent of patients who take Lasik are satisfied with their results. People who decide to have Lasik believe that the benefits of vision correction surgery overshadow any risks that you may once have believed before going for it.

Achieve 20/20 vision with Lasik Laser Surgery Today!!

For a clearer, brighter future, call us today!