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COVID-19: The New Office Policy

COVID-19 Updated Office Policy

Masking requirements for patients

From July 27th, 2021, all individuals are recommended to wear masks in public indoor settings. This includes the lobby and any common areas like hallways or optical departments where there may be other people who haven’t worn protective gear yet today! You can temporarily take off your mask if it will only make one person more comfortable (like when getting tested), but remember that we want everyone’s results as best possible, so don’t do this unless necessary!

Once in the examining room, vaccinated individuals may remove their masks at the doctor’s direction.

The family member’s wait time in a public area is limited to five minutes. They are also required to wear goggles when they enter the exam room and must keep their mask on while outside of it (in compliance with Measurement Standards).

You can stop by our office to get your glasses or repairs done. We offer a wide range of prescription options, so you’ll be guaranteed not only the perfect fit but also style and durability!

If you’re looking to save on your lawn care and gardening needs, consider Curbside dispenses. You can request them at any time of day or night!

To avoid discomfort, vaccinated patients can remove masks during optical appointments while sitting behind a protective barrier at the dispense stations.

Monday through Friday, we offer a huge range of affordable and accessible services. Appointments are required for all drop-in service requests, but you can always stop by without one!

We understand that some people have immunocompromised conditions, so their vaccination effectiveness may be questionable. For these patients, we will follow CDC guidelines on how best to protect them while still providing necessary care for your entire family!